The Head and Heart of Ethics - Featuring Bob Mims and Don Minges
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There are multiple facets to ethical choices, including should you use your ‘head’ or your ‘heart’? What are the pros and the cons? How can we balance these opposing views?
This seminar outlines the value of; trust, courage, fairness, sensitivity, persistence, honesty and gracefulness – to help us make better ethical decisions.
- Ethics is not merely words; Ethics is thoughts and thoughts in action. Ethics has an impact and value both at work and at home
Major Topics:
- The difficult trade-offs in making choices.
- Functioning in the ‘gray’ areas.
- The value of trust.
- How lack of accountability can lead to ethical issues.
Major Topics:
- The difficult trade-offs in making choices.
- Functioning in the ‘gray’ areas.
- The value of trust.
- How lack of accountability can lead to ethical issues.