QuickBooks ONLINE - Monthly Closeouts and Year-End Cleanups
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The process of closing out the books every month can make year-end accounting a breeze! But isn't this time consuming? Not when you know the steps to take on a monthly basis. We'll show you what to do in QuickBooks Online as well as what you can do monthly to ensure a tax return that will stand up again an IRS audit. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.Objectives:
After attending the presentation you will be able to...
- Streamline monthly and year-end cleanup and closing process for clients using QuickBooks Online
- Gain tools to provide more timely and detailed financial reporting on a monthly, quarterly and year-end basis
- Effectively communicate with your clients regarding their financial position and performance through reporting
Major Topics:
The major topics that will be covered in this class include:
- The beginning steps to evaluate, close out and clean up QuickBooks Online files monthly and at year-end for accurate reporting and tax return preparation.
- Learn why substantiating the numbers in QuickBooks Online on both the Profit & Loss Statement, as well as the Balance Sheet can ensure an accurate tax return that will stand up against an IRS audit.
Major Topics:
The major topics that will be covered in this class include:
- The beginning steps to evaluate, close out and clean up QuickBooks Online files monthly and at year-end for accurate reporting and tax return preparation.
- Learn why substantiating the numbers in QuickBooks Online on both the Profit & Loss Statement, as well as the Balance Sheet can ensure an accurate tax return that will stand up against an IRS audit.