About The Instructor
Joshua Schmidt has a passion for technology with a focus on the principals of cryptocurrency. He has integrated his interests in the digital currencies and blockchain technology into his professional career. Mr. Schmidt currently serves as a member of the Marcum Digital Asset Task Force, an internal initiative focused on exploring and leveraging opportunities to further integrate burgeoning technologies into the firm's practice.
Professionally, Mr. Schmidt has served corporate clients as a member of the Marcum assurance services practice. He has supervised staff as part of those engagements and managed the day-to-day planning of audits. Mr. Schmidt has a strong understanding of general audit practices and has analyzed data to detect deficient controls, accounting errors and irregularities, fraud, or non-compliance with laws and regulations.
Currently, Mr. Schmidt has transitioned into the advisory services practice at Marcum where he plans to further integrate his personal interests in cryptocurrency into his responsibilities related to client service. Mr. Schmidt will work with colleagues to research and conduct investigative due diligence related litigation and be engaged in other aspects of consulting with clients.