Some CPAs & FAs might focus on estate administration; however, many more will come across this through routine work with a client. This course provides an overview of how you can...
Just about every company, no matter its size or the types of activities it undertakes, is at greater risk because of all the types of fraud that can be be carried out...
Honest people face real challenges when working in an unethical environment. Business owners may be at risk if team members feel as though policies and practices within the...
This course provides an overview of single audit requirements and how generally accepted auditing standards and government auditing standards apply to a compliance audit.
Regardless of size, all organizations must be aware of the risks associated with intentionally fraudulent acts. Fraud can be executed from within an organization, by external...
External auditors only detect 3-5% of all fraud incidences. Get pragmatic guidance on detecting fraud. Discuss where fraud is most likely to occur. Learn to conduct inquiries and...
This course explores issues related to allegations of malpractice committed by tax professionals and reviews risk management techniques. Inherent in the services of a tax...
To make more money in less time, all accountants need to learn to market themselves effectively to their clients or their firm. For better or worse, promotions and more money go to...
Auditing Contingencies and Going Concern Uncertainty - Testing for Completeness and Proper Disclosure will provide tips and techniques for obtaining sufficient appropriate audit...
With capacity challenges on the mind of many tax and accounting leaders, finding ways for their teams to work more efficiently is crucial. They need their teams to not be busy, but...
Building on Part 1, this course will review the application of sampling in financial statement audits with a focus on sampling for tests of controls. We'll also review the...
New features in Excel provide tremendous opportunities to improve Excel-based operational and financial reports. For example, Data Models, Power Query, Data Analysis Expressions...