Auditing Contingencies and Going Concern Uncertainty - Testing for Completeness and Proper Disclosure will provide tips and techniques for obtaining sufficient appropriate audit...
The United States loves to tax the US source income of foreign individuals and businesses. This program will cover the U.S. taxation of their passive and business income (and how...
Today's business leaders need to understand more than simply the financial impact of operations. They need to understand why these outcomes occur. Only by understanding the causes...
How good are you with the technology you use daily? Are new technology tools available to save time and make you more effective? Technology continues to accelerate rapidly, and...
Unlike technologies we use every day, many currently emerging technologies can change how we work in the future. This session covers an assortment of technologies nearing...
We know that effective communication is essential to growing a career and a business. But we often don't take time to think through, concsiously, about how we communicate and how...
Storytelling makes wisdom stick.
The practical application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the accounting profession is spreading like wildfire with the release of powerful applications such as ChatGPT. A...
If you or your clients are facing that stage of life where careers are passing into the background, and a new "to be determined" life is emerging, then you are entering what is...
We all know that Fraud Happens. But, why? Why do people we think we can trust let us down? This session will explore the minds of white-collar criminals and examine some recent...
Increasingly, automating business processes is a necessity. In this session, you will learn about real-world examples of automating business processes. Remember, the survival of...
Tax planning is more than an estimated tax calculation, it's a process. Where are we now and what can we change? This timely program will highlight significant 2022-23 tax...