We know that effective communication is essential to growing a career and a business. But we often don't take time to think through, concsiously, about how we communicate and how...
With over 4.3 employees leaving their jobs as of early 2022, The Great Resignation presents a huge challenge for companies as they attract and retain talent. During this course...
A harmonious working environment is one in which people feel safe, seen, heard, and respected. Critical to maintaining it are that employees have high self-esteem, are treated...
In this course, we will explore the various types of data - both structured and unstructured - used in conducting fraud risk investigations and proactive monitoring. We will...
If you...- Produce or revise dashboards and reports- Find your current reports and dashboards confusing- Are frustrated by the length, complexity and structure of your existing...
CPAs get a bad rep regarding bookkeeping services. Walk through how to overhaul your offering by reviewing your client expectations, tech stack, and workflows.
Unlike a traditional financial audit objective (Are the financial statements materially misstated), performance auditing can address a wide variety of objectives. Is this program...
This presentation will review what sex harassment is under the law, company compliance obligations, and describe how promoting a positive company culture can prevent sexual...
What obligations does an employer have when an employee needs to take a leave of absence? This presentation will provide an overview of the complicated, intertwined compliance...
In this five part master series, class participants will gain a comprehensive view into the world of forensic data analytics (FDA). From understanding practical use cases of FDA in...
Are you looking to fortify your practice against the ever-growing threats in the digital landscape? Join us for the second installment of our exclusive webinar series, "Mastering...
In this comprehensive course, practitioners gain a deep understanding of strategic planning considerations and potential hurdles encountered when clients face difficult...