Many finance departments spend considerable time managing cash, particularly if the organization is highly leveraged or cash rich. Many opportunities exist to reduce your...
Tax developments have been in the forefront of the news, and tax practitioner can find it challenging to remain up-to-date with these changes. This 8 hour program will cover tax...
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. The same theory applies to departmental performance—the overall result is only as strong as its weakest contributor. Leave our...
Many organizations struggle to keep budgets current in an ever-changing business climate. Twenty-first century performance metrics focus on determining what budgets should be...
How well do you understand your organization’s cash flow? Good cash management techniques can provide a competitive advantage! This session shows you how to effectively measure and...
During this presentation, the most common mistakes made by employee benefit plan auditors, as well as, plan sponsors will be identified. Best practices for handling specific issues...
The ACFE/COSO Fraud Risk Management Guide (FRMG) was published in 2016 (and updated in 2023). It has quickly gained acceptance as the set of best practices for preventing...
U.S. Department of Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) imposed a new reporting requirement that went into effect on January 1, 2024. Millions of businesses...
Strategic Planning for SMEs
The AICPA's Auditing Standards Board has several large projects that will be impacting entities in the near future. We'll take a deep dive into the changes related quality...
A significant amount of information is electronically initiated, recorded, processed, or reported, and information to be used as audit evidence may be available only in electronic...
Leaders naturally wield power and influence. But, to avoid the temptation of abusing power, leaders must apply ethical behaviors for themselves and others. Words,actions and deeds...