Financial risk All businesses operate surrounded by financial risks. Some have greater exposure than others, either because of the industry in which they operate or the countries...
Minimise the effect of fluctuations in the value of assets and liabilities Exchange rates between most pairs of currency change constantly throughout the day. Gain the skills to...
Interest rate risk management This course introduces various risk management techniques that companies can use to minimise the financial impact of interest rate movements. In...
Start preparing an operational budget. The course explores the budgeting tool that helps managers for planning, controlling, and forecasting. By focussing on key steps in the...
Budgets are a control mechanism. This course outlines the rationale for and against different methodologies that can be used when preparing budgets in the current economic and...
Budget for targets. This course will help you identify factors that affect management's performance and identify dysfunctional behaviours from the budget process. By breaking down...
What does it cost for future success? Discover the tool that provides information on how to better understand costs in your business. Be able to make distinctions between the...
Costs shouldn't manage you. You will learn how to provide key data to managers for planning and controlling, as well as data on costing products, services, and customers. By...
Standards - Easy as ABC! Activity-based costing (ABC) provides a more accurate method of product/service costing, leading to more accurate pricing decisions. It increases your...
Short-term decision-making is vital in any business. This course introduces several techniques used for short-term decision-making as well as relevant costs and revenues for...
Costs shouldn't manage you. This course will give you the tools to make decisions that improve financial performance. By focussing on cost-volume-profit analysis, and using factors...
What's behind the decision tree? Gain a deeper understanding of how resources are allocated under uncertainty and acquire the tool that provides analytics to managers for planning...