Have you ever presented financial information to a group of non-financial people only to get the glazed-over and under-whelmed look from your audience? Presenting numbers is...
Is it getting harder to find success in your business? Or has your work become mechanical or routine? Amy Vetter, an accomplished CPA, business executive, serial entrepreneur, and...
There are moments in American History where we have examined our attitudes towards fundamental things - civil rights, sexuality, equal pay; now we are facing the crucible of sexual...
The world has changed, but has your finance department changed with it or are they doing the same things the same way they always have? Being technically competent is no longer...
The communication program for the leader in all of us. Listen actively Cultivate your ability to communicate with your team and clients clearly and at the right time through...
How to approach a negotiation Learn the different approaches to negotiation and how to use them to find solutions that can satisfy both parties and establish positive long-term...
Think critically, act decisively, live confidently Enhance the effectiveness of both your company and team by developing critical thinking skills that allow you to identify...
Begin to explore the nuances of working with construction contractors. From contract accounting and significant leases to unique risks and supplementary information, this overview...
Harness the power to transform your business Embrace digitalization Learn how to explore and embrace digitalization to keep pace with constant innovations in technology....
The impact of inequality Mind the inequality gap Learn the importance of assessing your own position relative to the debate regarding inequality. Understand how your business...
Counter the erosion of trust Find ways to create a culture of trust and rebuild where it has eroded, because distrust is bad for business. Learn how to grow and maintain business...
Rethinking the linear model Mindset and relationships Learn how the depletion of finite resources is prompting business to reconsider their business models. Explore different types...