This CPE course can be purchased individually, or as a part of the Fundamentals of Personal Financial Planning program. Understand the role of investment planning in developing a...
This CPE course can be purchased individually, or as a part of the Fundamentals of Fundamentals of Personal Financial Planning program. Understand the key concepts and potentials...
Your Experienced CPA Pathway to the PFS credential starts here. As an experienced CPA working with individuals and families, you engage with your clients on a wide variety of PFP...
This course will enable you to develop an understanding of the responsibilities of a technical reviewer when preparing a review for Report Acceptance Body (RAB) presentation. We...
Meet the challenges Gain an understanding of the responsibilities of technical reviewers reviewing single audit engagements and learn what you can do to help ensure that the audits...
Become a certified peer review team captain! Learn the foundation of an effective peer review engagement and evaluation of a firm's system of quality control under the AICPA...
Get comfortable with data visualization! This course is an introduction to Microsoft Power BI tools. The course discusses the challenges of using Excel for data analysis while...
Get started on data gathering! This is the second course in the Microsoft Power BI series of courses. This course focuses on getting data from different sources into Excel. Tools...
Improve your powers of analysis using a pivot table. This course is the third in the Microsoft Power BI series and is designed to teach participants the importance of the...
Make strategic decisions from an Excel dashboard! This is the fourth course in the Microsoft Power BI series. In this course, you will learn how to build robust dashboards for...
Clean, shape, and transform your data. This is the fifth course in the Microsoft Power BI series. This course focuses on using Power Query to clean, shape, and transform data while...
Take the next step with Power Pivot! This is the sixth course in the Microsoft Power BI series. This course focuses on using the Power Pivot features to enhance data analysis. Four...