The role of financial professionals has and continues to change in organizations. The stereotype of collecting and reporting data has been replaced by a broader vision, which...
Budgets are the vehicle for allocating resources, measuring activities, and identifying needed changes and improvements. An organization's strategy is the primary driver of costs...
Mergers, acquisitions, and partnering have long been strategic vehicles to grow or change an existing organization. Corporate America has extensive experience in merging with or...
Accounting and financial reporting for construction contractors may be the most difficult area to be in compliance with the various standards. Construction engagements are, in many...
The most recent recession and its fallout, weather (look at 2017), process and product failures, and unethical behavior have again highlighted failures by numerous organizations in...
As entities continue to oursource financially significant processes, auditors will need to rely on third party assessments of the effectiveness of the controls over these processes...
Fraud is all around us, though many times we miss it. As accountants, we have a professional responsibility to detect material fraud. However, our ability to detect fraud is...
Never have the benefits, and related risks, of utilizing new technology been greater for those in the accounting profession. From Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotic Process...
With the AICPA's heightened focus on enhancing audit quality, increased oversight of the peer review process and the auditor's overall responsibility to provide high quality...
Capital planning as a concept has undergone few changes; however, following the recent pandemic, we suddenly saw that our old system didn't work with the rapid change that was...
Tax practitioners are responsible for presenting partner capital accounts on the tax basis. But what does this mean and how does it differ from prior year rules regarding partner...
Specifically designed for preparation, compilation, and review practitioners, this course will provide you with a comprehensive review and hands-on application for performing...