Most CPA firms perform some level of compilation and review engagements. And some perform engagements under attestation standards. Building off what you learned in the training...
Analytical review procedures are performed in the preliminary and final stages of the audit. Auditors may also choose to perform analytical procedures as substantive tests. It is...
In these rapidly changing times, an entity may experience significant uncertainties. This is especially true at this time due to issues entities have experienced as a result of...
The risk assessment process requires the auditor to understand internal controls over financial reporting and report deficiencies to management and those charged with governance as...
Many entities have inventory on their books. The types of inventory can range from simple resale of goods purchased to more complex inventories that use process costing. This...
Audit documentation provides the principal support for the independent auditor's report. Therefore, it is important that workpapers meet professional standards. Anything less could...
Revenue is often one of the largest and most significant line items in a company's financial statements. It is also the line item that is most susceptible to fraud. Further, all...
Accounting for and auditing leases was always a challenging task. Adding the implementation of the lease accounting guidance in ASC 842, Leases, will undoubtedly add that much more...
All would agree that successful communications are key to any successful venture, including audits. However, given the tight deadlines, complex issue resolution and the often...
As companies look for greater investment returns in the current low interest rate environment, they are often investing in more risky types of investments, such as cryptocurrency...
Financial accounting can be complex. An integral part of a senior associate's job responsibilities is to perform effective and efficient research using the FASB's Accounting...
Engagement quality is the ultimate benchmark that auditors should be judged against. As a senior associate, you have primary responsibility for ensuring that all engagement work is...