Governance & Structure

The FICPA's Governance structure is comprised of the Council, Board of Directors, three standing committees, and 26 general committees, with each Director having oversight for an assigned set of committees. 

The FICPA's Nominations Committee is charged with selecting nominees for the Board/Council, as well as making appointments to Standing Committees. 

FICPA Board of Directors

The Board of Directors has general charge of the property and affairs of the Institute, including the power to direct and control the expenditures of funds within the approved budget of Council, formulate and present plans for the advancement of the Institute, and fulfill other responsibilities as assigned.

The board is comprised of the FICPA officers (Chair, Chair-elect, and Secretary-Treasurer), immediate past chair, and nine (9) Directors, who are elected for a two-year term.  The Chair of the FICPA's Young CPAs Committee will serve a one-year non-voting position, and the FICPA President & CEO shall serve as the Secretary-Treasurer and is also non-voting.  

Board Purpose Statement

To represent the FICPA's members and other stakeholders by providing strategic direction, stewardship of value, and accountability through consistent, future-focused leadership with a healthy mutual respect for our staff and fellow volunteers.

FICPA Council

The Council is the Governing Body of the FICPA and guides the direction of the Institute by identifying and advising on issues of importance to the profession and the FICPA.  Council has the responsibility for evaluating, revising, and recommending the FICPA strategic initiatives and authoring resolutions on issues impacting the profession on behalf of the Institute.

The Council consists of 31 members, including its Board of Directors, 17 at-large members who are elected for a two-year term, and the 2 most recent past chairs. 

Council Purpose Statement

To serve as a fiduciary steward, protecting the association and advocating for the members by developing strategy, setting policy, and providing leadership.

Chapter Leaders

The FICPA has 23 chapters, which are further grouped into six geographical regions.  Each chapter elects its own officers, including the chair, chair-elect, secretary, and treasurer.  

Find Chapters and Chapter Leader contact here.

Committees & Task Forces

In addition, the FICPA has many working committees and task forces to provide leadership opportunities in each of these targeted groups.  Committee Sign-Up occurs between Feb - Apr, and appointments are finalized in June, with servicing beginning July 1st.  

Find Committees and Task Force Groups here.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers are the heart of the FICPA, and we welcome you to learn more about Volunteering with the FICPA.