As we continue to educate members on beneficial ownership information (BOI) reporting, we are eager to share this conversation with Aon risk consultant Nicole Graham filmed on Monday, Dec. 18.
Nicole provides guidance and risk advice to regional and national CPA firms regarding professional liability, cybersecurity, employment practices, management liability, and other related exposures. Prior to joining Aon, Nicole was a partner at a national law firm and defended CPAs and other professionals in professional liability lawsuits.
That makes her the perfect person to explain the risks associated with BOI reporting.
In this latest CEO Conversation, we explain the Corporate Transparency Act, specific insurance ramifications, the unauthorized practice of law and what CPAs can do to mitigate their own exposure.
If you're unfamiliar with the new law set to go into effect on Jan. 1 or still trying to get your arms around this evolving situation, we highly encourage you to learn from this conversation with Nicole.