Microsoft Power BI - Create Excel Dashboards for Maximum Impact

Available Anytime
Location: Online
Technical Business
Registration is Open
FICPA Members
$59.00 Regular Price
$69.00 Regular Price
Product Code: AI23-PWRBI4
Level: Overview
Vendor: AICPA CPE Division
Field of Study: Computer Software and Applications


Make strategic decisions from an Excel dashboard!

This is the fourth course in the Microsoft Power BI series. In this course, you will learn how to build robust dashboards for analyzing key metrics in Excel. The course begins with some dashboard design guidelines, such as understanding your audience and identifying necessary metrics, and shows how to create key performance indicators (KPIs).

You will learn how to add charts and eye-catching visuals to make your dashboards easily understood. This course is presented using Excel 2019 but most concepts covered in this course apply to all versions of Excel.

This self-study online course is part of the Microsoft Power BI: Power BI Series.


Learning Outcomes

  • Create KPI dashboards that graphically represent your data.
  • Use Excel tools to easily create meaningful KPI dashboards.
  • Use dashboards to make strategic decisions

Major Topics:

Key Topics

  • Dashboard design guidelines
  • Visual aids
  • Power BI tools that enhance dashboard creation


Attended the PivotTable course or equivalent