Technical Reviewer Training for Single Audits
Meet the challenges
Gain an understanding of the responsibilities of technical reviewers reviewing single audit engagements and learn what you can do to help ensure that the audits under review are meeting the quality standards.
We will sort through the complexities so you can identify quality problems through review of the peer review single audit checklists and give you techniques to use in your own technical reviews. You will learn about recent changes in the public interest and the impact they have on technical review. Also, find out about the most common areas of noncompliance with professional standards uncovered by technical reviewers.
Featuring detail-rich examples and scenarios to help you apply proven techniques to identify potential red flags during your technical reviews.
Hot topics include:
- Yellow Book independence quality problems with performance of nonattest services
- Major program determination related to type A low-risk determination and type B risk assessment
- Low-risk auditee determination cautions
- Sufficiency of testing percentage and major program coverage
Learning Outcomes
- Apply considerations for performing technical reviews of single audit engagements.
- Recall current areas of focus and common findings to identify issues on single audit engagements.
- Identify best practices when performing technical reviews of single audit engagements.
Major Topics:
Key Topics
- Yellow Book independence
Designed For:
Who Will Benefit
Technical reviewers performing technical reviews of single audits