The Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants (FICPA) Scholarship Foundation is pleased to announce the establishment of a new endowment for single caregivers striving to become CPAs.
The Azalea Grace Endowment will provide one $1,000 scholarship to a fourth-year, fifth-year or graduate-leveling accounting student at a partnering college or university and will give preference a the single caregiver of a child, parent or family member.
The endowment has been established by FICPA Board member Valrie Chambers and her fiancée, Jim Barrett.
“Our family is pleased and humbled to announce the Azalea Grace Endowed Scholarship,” said Chambers, an Associate Professor of Accounting at Stetson University. “The scholarship gives preference to a student who is a single caregiver, because we realize how difficult it is to be the sole caretaker of children or other family members.
“Azalea Grace never had the opportunity to become the amazing woman that we knew she would become. Our family will forever hold her memory. With this scholarship we will provide a legacy for her that will last over time.
Donations to the Azalea Grace Endowment in specific or the Foundation in general can be made at www.ficpascholarshipfoundation.org/donate.
In 2022, the FICPA Scholarship Foundation will provide more than 70 scholarships to aspiring CPAs across the state. Last year, the Foundation awarded more than $186,000 to help ensure the future of the profession. Since its founding in 1959, the Foundation has distributed more than $4 million.