LLCs and partnerships continue to present some of the greatest challenges for return preparers and advisors. This program will address the latest developments:New IRS audit...
Gerald Ford once said that "[n]othing in life is more important that the ability to communicate effectively." Public speaking remains a centuries-old skill that allows individuals...
Part of one's duty as a CPA working in industry is to safeguard the assets of the organization. Cost cutting is one way to preserve assets and maintain a company's competitive...
This course begins with a look at the GASB standards effective this year, including GASB 100, Accounting Changes and Error Corrections and GASB 101, Compensated Absences. We'll...
The Not-for-Profit Advisory Committee has been busy discussing several projects that the FASB is working on and their impact on nonprofits. In this course, we will review the key...
Technology continues to revolutionize our professional and personal lives. Stay up to date on key technologies that may affect you in the very near future so that you may position...
In addition to the many challenges faced by small businesses in today’s Post-COVID world, with labor shortages, serious inflation and “supply-chain” issues, small businesses face a...
Performing engagements in accordance with Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS or “Yellow Book”) requires additional reporting, ethics, and performance...
Ethics are of central importance to the CPA profession. But what do we mean by ethics? Is it just appropriate behavior, compliance with laws, or is it more than that? In this...
In this 2024 Year-End Payroll Update, we will provide a robust overview of the critical year-end payroll topics affecting employers and payroll professionals, such as reconciling...
If ethics were easy, then why do so many professionals have a Code of Conduct? Some Ethical decisions are easy, others are not. We will discuss several thorny ethical issues and...
A multitude of tax changes have are currently taking place, challenging tax practitioner to stay well-informed. This 4 hour program will cover tax developments specific to business...